par VSF | Juil 11, 2018
Forced Migration Review, June 2018. The Forced Migration Review (FMR) magazine Published a special feature on humans and animals in refugee camps with two aims. First, to highlight for practitioners and policymakers the variety and importance of human–animal...
par VSF | Fév 19, 2018
VSF International Policy Paper n. 4 – February 2018 For millions of people worldwide, livestock is a key asset that offers multiple benefits, providing food and income, draft power, manure, economic security and social status. When disaster strikes, the loss of...
par VSF | Fév 26, 2012
Action Research for Disaster Risk Reduction. Experiences with Pastoralist Field School (PFS) and Village Community Banks (VICOBA). This publication aims at sharing experiences on the concepts of Pastoral Field Schools (PFS) and Village Community Banks (VICOBA) as...
par VSF | Fév 25, 2012
Planning In Conflict – Experiences With The Conflict. Sensitive Programming Approach ‘Do No Harm’ in Pastoralist Settings. Conflict sensitive programming is a cross cutting approach that can be integrated in any intervention (emergency, humanitarian, recovery or...
par VSF | Fév 25, 2012
Drought Contingency Planning with Pastoral Communities. A Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction Planning toolkit for Humanitarian Workers in the Horn of Africa. Natural and human-made disasters have been experienced throughout human history. In the last three...