Infographie – Le pastoralisme pour un développement durable

Infographie – Le pastoralisme pour un développement durable

Pourquoi est-il important soutenir le pastoralisme? Quels défis rencontrent les pasteurs dans le monde entier? Quelles actions sont-elles nécessaires pour surmonter ces obstacles et promouvoir le pastoralisme d’une façonne durable? Retrouvez les réponses dans...
Better approaches in support of pastoralism

Better approaches in support of pastoralism

Representatives belonging to more than 100 pastoralists’ organisations from 38 countries endorsed a statement expressing the needs and priorities of pastoralists. Outlined in this article, the statement is a call for the rights, culture and knowledge of pastoralists to be recognised, valued and supported.

Poster: Migration and adaptation features in pastoralist communities

Poster: Migration and adaptation features in pastoralist communities

The poster « Migration and adaptation features in pastoralist communities » has been presented at the workshop Multifunctionality of Pastoralism, organised before the 10th International Rangeland Congress in Saskatoon, Canada, in July 2016. More information about the...
Securing pastoralists’ land tenure rights

Securing pastoralists’ land tenure rights

Article published in the journal Rural 21 by Margherita Gomarasca and Cornelia Heine September 2016 Formal land titles are rare in pastoral communities around the world. In the past, this presented hardly any problems, since pastoral land was seen as of little use by...
Pastoralists as stewards of the environment

Pastoralists as stewards of the environment

Article published on D+C International Journal by Cornelia Heine July 2015 Cattle farming is mentioned among the world’s worst environmentally destructive activities: it devours resources, pollutes groundwater and is a climate killer. These claims are all true – but...
From the community, for the community

From the community, for the community

Animal-health workers who have some systematic training, but no academic degrees, make a huge difference in remote areas and strife-torn regions. Ethiopia is setting an example by involving them in its veterinary-services extension efforts.

La création d’un environnement propice au développement durable du pastoralisme au Mali : Actes du colloque national de Bamako

La création d’un environnement propice au développement durable du pastoralisme au Mali : Actes du colloque national de Bamako

Une centaine de représentants des pasteurs, le secteur privé, l’administration et les services techniques, les collectivités, la recherche et les partenaires techniques et financiers, ont participé au colloque national sur le pastoralisme du 16 au 17 Avril 2014, à Bamako. Ils ont ainsi rappelé l’importance du pastoralisme pour le Mali et ses potentialités, en proposant un plan d’action national.

Pastoralism and conflict – two sides of a coin?

Pastoralism and conflict – two sides of a coin?

Article published in the journal Rural 21 by Cornelia Heine and Elisabeth Hartwig November 2014 Pastoralism – the predominant form of livestock keeping in the Horn of Africa – has always been a source of disputes and tensions in the region. So it is maybe no...

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