VSF International supports the declaration of a family farming decade, and signed the following letter of support:

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« Family Farming is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production which is managed and operated by a family and predominantly reliant on family labour, both women’s and men’s. The family and the farm are linked, they evolve together and they combine economic, environmental, reproductive, social and cultural functions.

With the proper enabling environment, family farming can ensure a dignified life for peasant families, indigenous communities, fishers and pastoralists, and can meet consumers’ needs more appropriately and more effectively, thereby helping to stem possible future food crises. In fact, family farms produce more than 80% of the world’s food in terms of value, thus confirming family farming’s vital importance for global food security and food sovereignty for present and future generations. Family Farming is also a fundamental ally to mitigate climate change and meet the SDGs.

Having conducted a successful International Year of Family Farming (IYFF 2014) together, we now need to maintain the momentum. Therefore, we call upon the General Assembly of the United Nations to extend IYFF 2014 by declaring a Family Farming Decade.

The main objective of the Family Farming Decade will be to continue improving public policies for family farming and increasing implementation of them. It will focus on the following topics: Improvement of the access to natural resources and suitable technologies, promotion of the role of youth and women, improving the access to local and regional markets, access to credit, mitigation of climate change, and the strengthening of family farmers´ organizations.

As happened during the International Year, the Family Farming Decade will always seek maximum cooperation and understanding between farmers’ organizations, rural associations, research centres, governments and international institutions.

We would therefore like to express its commitment to, and support for, the proposal for a Declaration by the UN General Assembly of a Family Farming Decade.

Let’s continue promoting family farming together. Let’s continue building the future! »


» Read more on the Campaign for the Declaration of a Family Farming decade.




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