At the annual meeting held in Lisbon on 7th October, VSF International welcomed two new members of the network: VIVA and VSF Sweden.
VIVA (Volunteers in Irish Veterinary Assistance) was founded in 1999 to assist livestock aid programmes in the Developing World. VIVA (working in conjunction with other livestock aid organisations such as Bóthar and Heifer International) is currently involved in projects in Uganda, Pakistan, Albania and Romania. In those countries, VIVA supports community groups to buy livestock in order to build sustainable livelihoods; trains community animal health workers and supply them with medicines where access to veterinary services is restricted; support animal breeding programmes by training artificial insemination technicians and providing them with the necessary supplies and equipment; and provide training and advice for partners using volunteer vets. VIVA is represented by Brendan Mimnagh, founder and director of programmes, and Mike Burke, CEO.
VSF Sweden (Veterinärer Utan Gränser Sverige) was established in 2010 to support veterinary activities throughout the world. VSF Sweden has been supporting de-mining using tracker dogs in Cambodia and Iraq; improving health and welfare of dog populations through mobile clinics in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia; providing education on goat management for women in Bangladesh; and implementing training activities on animal health and hygiene in Zambia. VSF Sweden is represented by its president, Ms. Siri Adler.
A big welcome to the VSF International family!