
VSF International is an international non-profit organisation (a.i.s.b.l. for its acronym in French) registered in Belgium.

VSF International is composed of 13 member organizations, located in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland. Its headquarters are based in Brussels. The headquarters ensure coordination among the member organizations, and representation at international level.

The General Assembly (GA), composed by all the members, is the highest decision-making body. It meets once per year; it defines the global vision and elects the Board.

The Board is composed by 5 to 7 people (including the President, Vice-president and Treasurer), and it is elected by the General Assembly every two years. The board is responsible for implementing the strategy defined by the GA and supervising the work of the headquarters’ office. It meets physically at least once a year, and on a quarterly basis via online meetings.

The Board is composed as follows :

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  • Giorgia Angeloni (VSF Italy) – President
  • Manuelle Miller (AVSF, France) – Vice-president
  • Peter Van Der Jagt (VSF Belgium) – Treasurer
  • Christian Griebenow (VSF Germany)
  • Charmaine Brett-Mills (VSF/VWB North America)

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