
VSF International is part of Action for Animal Health, a new initiative, led by an international coalition of partners, which calls for more investment in animal health systems as a way of protecting animals and people from future disease outbreaks and making One Health a reality.

As a coalition, we call on governments and international agencies to prioritise strong animal health systems through five pillars for action:

  • Support community engagement and equitable access to animal health services;
  • Increase the numbers and improve the skills of the animal health workforce;
  • Close the veterinary medicines and vaccines gap;
  • Improve animal disease surveillance;
  • Enhance collaboration for One Health.

The coalition has produced a Call to Action for organisations to sign-on and support, which was presented on the launch event on 20th May 2021.

Visit the website and join our effort to build support for more investment in animal health systems:




Action for Animal Health is a coalition of partners:

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