The One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihoods (HEAL) is a project implemented in the Horn of Africa by VSF Suisse in partnership with ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), CCM (Comitato Collaborazione Medica) and TRIM (Translation Into Meaning). HEAL applies a One Health approach to enhance the well-being and resilience of vulnerable communities in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist areas of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. The project includes, besides activities in the field, a Community of Practice to exchange knowledge related to One Health implementation.

The HEAL Community of Practice consists of  “a monthly web seminar series that brings together One Health practitioners from the Horn of Africa and elsewhere to discuss best practices on how to operationalize One Health in the field and how One Health supports sustainable development”. The last monthly seminar that was broadcast was entitled “One Health – zoonotic disease: a Training of Trainers course.” In the coming months, many more pertinent topics will be covered, including “Operationalisation of One Health” as well as “How to make a business case for One Health.”

Find out more on the HEAL website.