Regional Meeting with Pastoralists' and Livestock Breeders' Organisations in North Africa and West Asia

From 14th to 16th January 2016, a joint meeting took place in Hammamet, Tunisia, gathering around 30 representatives of pastoral organisations form different countries of the North Africa and West Asia region.
During 3 days regional delegates discussed about pastoral and livestock development, reflecting on how to strengthen their capacities to influence policy dialogues, and producing recommendations to international organisations (especially IFAD) on how to better tailor programmes and investments in order to include pastoralism.
The event was the result of the joint efforts made by VSF International, WAMIP and FAO, to coordinate 2 different initiatives: the regional launching of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub (15 January); and the consultations to prepare the Farmers Forum at IFAD (16 January).


>> Read the press release by FAO: “Eight things pastoralists in North Africa and West Asia want


Hammamet Declaration:

Recommendations for the Farmers Forum Special Session on Pastoralism and Livestock Breeding:




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