Our expertise

VSF International’s members are mainly active in the implementation of sustainable development programs in 28 countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia. However, we also provide emergency aid when the situations of the areas where we work doesn’t allow rural communities to produce their food in a safe context or when climatic events represent a threat for the survival.

Our expertise in managing development projects in the field of agriculture and livestock keeping are complemented by our technical and methodological support in animal health, welfare and production, development of small-scale (livestock) farming and agroecological systems.

Parallel to that, we consider that development education and awareness raising activities must stay central to our scope, in order to build an active citizenship that can ultimately influence on public policies. We advocate for the promotion of small scale (livestock) farming and for the recognition of their fundamental role in food and nutritional security and climate change mitigation.

» Discover our past European education and awareness raising projects on small-scale farming and climate change

VSF International support families and producers organisations on 7 main themes:

Animal health, animal welfare, One Health

Animal health, animal welfare, One Health

Animal health is historically at the core of VSF’s expertise. In many developing countries livestock is crucial for the survival of rural families, a...
Livestock farming and pastoralism

Livestock farming and pastoralism

Livestock: a multiple-value resource that support the livelihood of nearly 1 billion smallholder producers in developing countries. In many developing...
Crop production, agroecology and natural resource management

Crop production, agroecology and natural resource management

Agroecology VSF International defends a diversified small-scale farming , based on local and traditional knowledge, adapted to the local situations...
Capacity building and Training

Capacity building and Training

Capacity Building VSF international’s members support several producers organisations in Africa, Latin America and Asia with the aim of strengthening t...
Marketing and value chain development

Marketing and value chain development

Many small-scale farmers are excluded from marketing opportunities, because of their size, non-homogeneous and limited production, reduced bargaining...
Emergency relief and resilience building

Emergency relief and resilience building

In situation of droughts, floodings and other climatic catastrophes, as wells as during conflicts and  civil wars that force people to displace, the ...
Advocacy and awareness raising

Advocacy and awareness raising

  Our advocacy work goes hand in hand with our technical activities in support of smallholder families and organizations in the South. Through...