by VSF | Oct 27, 2023
VSF International, November 2023 Living in close contact with animals and their natural environment, members of rural communities – and livestock farmers in particular – often have a deep-rooted understanding of the One Health approach. However, actors...
by VSF | Mar 20, 2023
by Charles Hoots, VSF International, 2023 Community-based animal health workers (CAHWs) are present in dozens of countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. They deliver valuable animal health services to livestock keepers in rural areas where other animal health...
by VSF | Aug 29, 2018
VSF International Policy Brief n. 5 – September 2018 In many rural areas in the global South, the number of qualified veterinarians often does not suffice to provide quality animal health services at local level. In these areas, inhabited by livestock and agricultural...
by VSF | Mar 10, 2018
Thèse pour obtenir le grade de Docteur Vétérinaire – Université Paul-Sabatier de Toulouse Margot Galière, 2017 Dans le cadre d’un travail conçu avec AVSF et le réseau VSF-International, Margot Galière a méné un enquête afin de recenser les dispositifs de santé...