Pastoralists as stewards of the environment

Pastoralists as stewards of the environment

Article published on D+C International Journal by Cornelia Heine July 2015 Cattle farming is mentioned among the world’s worst environmentally destructive activities: it devours resources, pollutes groundwater and is a climate killer. These claims are all true – but...
Drought Contingency Planning with Pastoral Communities

Drought Contingency Planning with Pastoral Communities

Drought Contingency Planning with Pastoral Communities. A Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction Planning toolkit for Humanitarian Workers in the Horn of Africa. Natural and human-made disasters have been experienced throughout human history. In the last three...
Comic Green House Gas emissions

Comic Green House Gas emissions

  You’re the ones emitting greenhouse gases!  – How cows and small scale farmers can help us fight global warming. Comic by AVSF, VSF Italy, VSF Czech Republic, VSF Belgium. 2013 Download the comic: English Français Italiano Czech Netherlands...

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