Annual Report 2017
In 2017, the members of VSF International implemented altogether 209 projects in 36 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, improving the livelihood of 6.16 million people with an overall budget of 48.5 million €. Together, we treated about 25 million animals,...Réalisation d’une enquête sur les dispositifs de santé animale de proximité dans les pays d’intervention des ONG du réseau VSF-International
Thèse pour obtenir le grade de Docteur Vétérinaire – Université Paul-Sabatier de Toulouse Margot Galière, 2017 Dans le cadre d’un travail conçu avec AVSF et le réseau VSF-International, Margot Galière a méné un enquête afin de recenser les dispositifs de santé...From Emergency to Development. Building Resilience through Livestock-based Interventions
VSF International Policy Paper n. 4 – February 2018 For millions of people worldwide, livestock is a key asset that offers multiple benefits, providing food and income, draft power, manure, economic security and social status. When disaster strikes, the loss of...Annual Report 2016
In 2016, the members of VSF International implemented altogether 177 projects in 31 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, improving the livelihood of 6.86 million people. We treated over 20 million animals, trained 4470 Community-based animal health workers,...Infographics – Pastoralism towards sustainable development
Why is it important to support pastoralism? What challenges do pastoralists face all around the globe? What actions are needed to overcome these challenges and promote sustainable pastoralism? Find it out in this infographics that builds on the outcomes of the project...Better approaches in support of pastoralism
Representatives belonging to more than 100 pastoralists’ organisations from 38 countries endorsed a statement expressing the needs and priorities of pastoralists. Outlined in this article, the statement is a call for the rights, culture and knowledge of pastoralists to be recognised, valued and supported.