by VSF | Sep 5, 2024
In 2023, the members of VSF International implemented projects in 55 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe, improving the livelihoods of over 1.49 million families. Together, we treated over 27.3 million animals, supported over 7,000 animal health...
by VSF | Oct 27, 2023
VSF International, November 2023 Living in close contact with animals and their natural environment, members of rural communities – and livestock farmers in particular – often have a deep-rooted understanding of the One Health approach. However, actors...
by VSF | Sep 19, 2023
In 2022, the members of VSF International implemented projects in 48 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania, improving the livelihoods of over 2.54 million families. Together, we treated over 35.08 million animals, supported over 7,100 animal health...
by VSF | Mar 20, 2023
by Charles Hoots, VSF International, 2023 Community-based animal health workers (CAHWs) are present in dozens of countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. They deliver valuable animal health services to livestock keepers in rural areas where other animal health...
by VSF | Mar 15, 2023
A report by the Action for Animal Health coalition, 2023 While One Health is gaining traction at a global level to combat emerging health threats, there are significant barriers to delivering it on the ground because of the lack of investment in animal health...
by VSF | Oct 16, 2022
In 2021, the members of VSF International implemented projects in 40 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, improving the livelihoods of over 2 million families. Together, we treated over 23.9 million animals, supported over 4,700 animal health professionals...
by VSF | Aug 15, 2022
This poster presents some experiences of the VSF International network to put in place multisectorial interventions and partnerships to support local communities in proximity of protected areas and other biodioversity hotspots, integrating sustainable livelihoods and...
by VSF | Sep 27, 2021
Published by VSF International and Vets Beyond Borders Australia. September 2021. Rabies is a neglected zoonotic disease that causes an estimated 59,000 human deaths every year, with 40% of the victims being children. Rabies affects the most vulnerable populations:...
by VSF | Sep 1, 2021
In 2020, the members of VSF International implemented projects in 38 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, improving the livelihoods of over 2.07 million households, with an overall budget of € 52.5 million. Together, we treated more than 27 million animals,...
by VSF | Aug 2, 2020
In 2019, the members of VSF International implemented projects in 35 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, improving the livelihood of over 2.16 million households, with an overall budget of € 51.1 million. Together, we treated more than 27 million animals,...