from VSF International and its membersVSF International Policy Briefs

One Health implementation in the Global South: a holistic approach to address the key challenges of livestock-dependent communities

Community-Based Animal Health Workers (CAHWs): Guardians for quality, localised animal health services in the global South
Other publications

A Literature Review of Community-Based Animal Health Workers in Africa and Asia with Recommendations for Improved Practices

One Health implementation in the Global South: a holistic approach to address the key challenges of livestock-dependent communities

Community-Based Animal Health Workers (CAHWs): Guardians for quality, localised animal health services in the global South

Réalisation d’une enquête sur les dispositifs de santé animale de proximité dans les pays d’intervention des ONG du réseau VSF-International

Livestock and climate change. Going beyond preconceived ideas and recognizing the contribution of small-scale livestock farming facing climate change

La création d’un environnement propice au développement durable du pastoralisme au Mali : Actes du colloque national de Bamako